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Instantly Search Terabytes of Text

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dtSearch Products

Instantly Search Terabytes of Text

Enterprise and developer products

dtSearch’s document filters support popular file types, emails with multilevel attachments, databases, web data.

Highlights hits in all data types; 25+ search options.

Developer APIs for .NET, Java and C++; SDKs for multiple platforms.

Desktop with Spider

Network with Spider

Publish (for portable media)


Engine for Windows – SDK

Engine for Linux – SDK

Engine for macOS – SDK

Document Filters – included with all products, and also available for seperate licensing

Includes Document Filters

  • The dtSearch product line can instantly search terabytes of text across a desktop, network, Internet or Intranet site.
  • dtSearch products also serve as tools for publishing, with instant text searching, large data collections to Web sites or portable media.
  • Developers can embed dtSearch’s instant searching and file format support into their own applications.Supports MS Office through current versions (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access), OpenOffice, ZIP, HTML, XML/XSL, PDF and many other formats

dtSearch document filters support a broad range of data

  • Supports MS Office through current versions (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, OneNote)
  • Supports other “Office” suite formats, compression formats (RAR, ZIP, GZIP, TAR), PDF (including many encrypted PDFs), and PDF Portfolio
  • Supports Exchange, Outlook, Thunderbird and other popular email types, including multilevel nested attachments
  • Spider supports public and secure web data (HTML, XML/XSL, PDF, ASP.NET, CMS, PHP, SharePoint, etc.)
  • APIs for SQL and NoSQL backend databases, including BLOB data

25+ full-text and fielded data search options

  • Easy multicolor hit-highlighting search options
  • Federated searching and other basic search options
  • Special forensics search options
  • Faceted search or “drill down” category searching (through the dtSearch Engine APIs)
  • Full-text as well as metadata classification options for search results filtering (through the dtSearch Engine APIs)

APIs for C++, Java and .NET

  • Includes native 64-bit versions
  • Developer articles (on faceted search, Azure, SQL, etc.)
  • Document filters “only” licenses available

The Smart Choice for Text Retrieval since 1991

dtSearch Text Retrieval Engine for Win & .NET, dtSearch Text Retrieval Engine for Linux

The dtSearch Engine lets developers add dtSearch’s builtin file format support and searching to Web-based and other applications. The dtSearch Engine for Linux offers APIs in C++ and Java. The dtSearch Engine for Win & .NET includes sample code and API support for C++, Delphi, Java, and .NET—including C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET and ADO.NET. (See over for special database options for SQL and XML, and other fielded data information.) The dtSearch Engine also includes a .NET Spider API.

dtSearch Spider

The dtSearch Spider embedded in multiple dtSearch products provides integrated searching of remote Web site content, along with local data. In addition to support for the file formats above, the dtSearch Spider can also index and search dynamically generated content, such as ASP/ASP.NET, MS CMS, SharePoint, etc.

dtSearch Features