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File Formats (Raster, Vector & Document)

With LEADTOOLS, developers can create applications to load, save, and convert many industry-standard and proprietary formats. LEAD Technologies is committed to maintain and expand the most comprehensive support of file formats on the market, and currently supports more than 150 raster, vector, and document file formats and sub-formats.

Each file format includes a variety of load, save, and display options, including compression, bit depth, colour space, progressive load (multi-pass), alpha channels, multiple pages, animation, and metadata. Developers can trust the award-winning file format support in LEADTOOLS because of its extensive inclusion and strict adherence to today’s ever-changing file format specifications.

LEADTOOLS File Format Categories

Raster Image Formats

  • ABC – LEAD Advanced Bitonal Compression
  • ABIC – Adaptive Bi-level Image Compression
  • AFP – Advanced Function Presentation
  • ANI – Windows Animated Cursor
  • ANZ – Mayo Clinic Analyze Format
  • ARW – Sony Raw Format
  • BMP – Windows and OS/2 Bitmap Formats
  • CAL – CALS Raster
  • CIN – Kodak Cineon
  • CLP – Windows Clipboard
  • CMP – LEAD Compressed
  • CMW – LEAD Wavelet Compressed
  • CR2 – Canon Raw
  • CRW – Canon Raw
  • CUR – Windows Cursor
  • CUT – Dr. Halo
  • DCR – Kodak Digital Camera
  • DCS – Kodak Digital Camera System
  • DCX – Paint Brush
  • DNG – Adobe Digital Negative
  • DXF – Drawing Interchange
  • EPS – Encapsulated Postscript
  • EXIF – Exif Formats
  • FAX – LaserView Laser Data
  • FIT – Flexible Image Transport System (FITS)
  • FLC – Flic Animation
  • FPX – Kodak FlashPix
  • GIF – CompuServe GIF
  • HDP – Windows HD Photo
  • ICO – Windows Icon
  • IFF – Interchange File Format
  • IOCA – Image Object Content Architecture
  • INGR – Intergraph Raster File Format
  • IMG – GEM Image
  • ITG – Intergraph
  • JBG – JBIG
  • JB2 – JBIG2
  • JPG – Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
  • JPEG-XR – Windows Media Photo / HD Photo (HDP)
  • JPEG-LS – JPEG Lossless
  • J2K – JPEG 2000
  • JP2 – JPEG 2000 Compressed
  • JPM – JPEG 2000 Part 6
  • JPX – JPEG 2000 Part 2
  • KDC – Kodak Digital Camera
  • MAC – MacPaint
  • MNG – Multiple Network Graphic
  • MOB – MobiPocket File Format
  • MO:DCA – Mixed Object: Document Content Architecture
  • MSP – Microsoft Paint
  • MRC – LEAD Mixed Raster Content
  • MRC – T.44 Mixed Raster Content
  • NEF – Nikon Electronic Format
  • NITF – National Imagery Transmission Format
  • NRW – Nikon Raw Format
  • ORF – Olympus Raw Format
  • PBM – Portable Bitmap Utilities
  • PCD – Kodak Photo CD
  • PCX – Paint Brush
  • PDF – Adobe Portable Document
  • PDF/A – Adobe Portable Document for Archiving
  • PGM – Portable Bitmap Utilities
  • PNG – Portable Network Graphics
  • PNM – Portable Bitmap Utilities
  • PPM – Portable Bitmap Utilities
  • PS – PostScript File
  • PSD – Photoshop
  • PSP – Paint Shop Pro
  • RAS – SUN Raster
  • RAF – Fujifilm Raw Format
  • RAW – Raw Data
  • RW2 – Panasonic Raw Format
  • SCT – Scitex Continuous Tone
  • SFF – Structured Fax Format
  • SGI – Silicon Graphics Image
  • SMP – Xionics
  • SNP – Microsoft Access Report Snapshot
  • SR2 – Sony Raw Format
  • SRF – Sony Raw Format
  • TDB – Microsoft Windows Thumbnail Cache
  • TFX – Internet Fax
  • TGA – Truevision TARGA
  • TIFF – Tagged Image File
  • TIFX – Xerox Internet Fax File
  • VFF – Sun TAAC Bitmap
  • WBMP – Wireless Bitmap
  • WFX – WinFax
  • X9 – Image Cash Letter
  • XBM – XBitMap
  • XPM – XPicMap
  • XPS – XML Paper Specification
  • XWD – X WindowDump

Vector Formats

  • CGM – Computer Graphics Metafile
  • CMX – Corel Presentation Exchange
  • DGN – Microstation DGN
  • DRW – DRaWing
  • DXF – Drawing Interchange
  • DWF – AutoDesk Vector
  • DWFX – Autodesk DWF XPS Document
  • DWG – Drawing
  • E00 – ArcInfo Export
  • EMF – Enhanced Metafile
  • GBR – Gerber
  • MIF – Marker Interchange
  • NAP – North American Presentation Layer Protocol Syntax (NAPLPS)
  • PCL – Printer Command Language
  • PCL6 – Printer Command Language
  • PCT – Macintosh Pict
  • PLT – HPGL Plot
  • SHP – ESRI Shape
  • SVG – Scalable Vector Graphics
  • WMF – Windows Metafile
  • WMZ – Compressed Windows Metafile
  • WPG – Vector Word Perfect Graphics

Document Formats

  • DOC – Microsoft Word Document
  • DOCX – Microsoft Word Document 2007
  • EML – Outlook Express Message Item
  • MOBI – Mobi Pocket eBook format
  • EPUB – Electronic Publication
  • HTML – HyperText Markup Language
  • MSG – Outlook Message Item
  • PDF – Adobe Portable Document
  • PDF/A – Adobe Portable Document for Archiving
  • PPT – PowerPoint Presentation
  • PPTX – PowerPoint Presentation 2007
  • PST – Outlook Personal Folder
  • RTF – Rich Text
  • SVG – Scalable Vector Graphics
  • TXT – UTF8/16 and ASCII Text
  • XLS – Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
  • XLSX – Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 2007
  • XPS – XML Paper Specification