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KinesicsKit 7

Humanize the Interface

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Chant KinesicsKit

Humanize application interfaces with movement tracking using natural user interface (NUI) technology.

Movement tracking is the process of mapping movement from image and positional data captured by cameras.

It can be used to control data processing and data entry. As a new modality for a natural user interface, it can augment traditional input methods applications use with keyboard, mouse, touch, and voice.

What is Movement Management?

Movement management enables you to:

  • capture image data and detect movement,
  • map and process movement data for application processing,
  • persist movement data for playback, editing, and analytics, and
  • integrate sensor device configuration and control as part of deployed applications.

Applications benefits include:

  • touch-free modality for control and input,
  • added flexibility to run on demand based on movement detection, and
  • expanded deployment scenarios for interactive processing in non-traditional application environments.

What is KinesicsKit?

Chant KinesicsKit handles the complexities of tracking movement with Microsoft Kinect for Windows.

It simplifies the process of managing movement with Kinect sensors and the Microsoft Natural User Interface API (NAPI). You can process audio and visual data to map movement directly within software you develop and deploy.

KinesicsKit includes C++, C++Builder, Delphi, Java, and .NET Framework class library formats to support all your programming languages and sample projects for popular IDEs—such as the latest Visual Studio from Microsoft, RAD Studio from Embarcadero, and Java IDEs Eclipse, IntelliJ, JDeveloper, and NetBeans.

The class libraries can be integrated with 32-bit and 64-bit applications for Windows platforms.

Movement Management Architecture

KinesicsKit tracks and maps movement with Microsoft Kinect for Windows.

KinesicsKit enables applications to start and stop color, depth, body, and audio data collection with Microsoft Kinect sensors. Applications use it to manage low-level functions if desired.

With the KinesicsKit, applications detect movement, process color, depth, and body data, and record audio to a file. Applications use KinesicsKit to manage the activities for interacting with the Microsoft Kinect sensor. KinesicsKit manages the resources and interacts directly with the Natural User Interface API (NAPI) runtime.

Applications receive status notifications through event callbacks.

Speech recognition and synthesis are supported with the SpeechKit. See SpeechKit for more information about integrating speech technology.

KinesicsKit encapsulates the NAPI functions to make the process of tracking movement with Microsoft Kinect sensors simple and efficient for your application.

KinesicsKit simplifies the process of managing Microsoft Kinect sensors by handling the low-level activities directly with the sensor.

Applications instantiate KinesicsKit before tracking movement and destroy it to release its resources when tracking is no longer needed.

Feature Summary

Chant KinesicsKit handles the complexities of tracking movement with Microsoft Kinect for Windows. The class libraries minimize the programming efforts necessary to construct software that maps movement from image and positional data captured by cameras.

With KinesicsKit you can:

  • Capture and map color, depth, and body data;
  • Record and playback audio files; and
  • Integrate movement tracking with speech technology.

Within Chant Developer Workbench, you can:

  • Render and analyze color, depth, and body data; and
  • Validate sensor image streams.
Sensor Testing: Validate sensor streams.

KinesicsKit License

You may explore the capabilities of Chant KinesicsKit for 30 days. To continue to use the product after 30 days, you must purchase a license for the software or stop using the software and remove it from your system.

A valid purchased license gives you the right to construct executable applications that use the applicable class library and distribute it with executable applications without royalty obligations to Chant.

The Chant KinesicsKit license is a single end-user license. Each devleoper who installs and uses KinesicsKit to develop applications must have their own license.

KinesicsKit class library names vary by platform: Windows 32-bit and 64-bit. This helps ensure the correct library is deployed with your application.

Chant KinesicsKit is licensed separately or as part of Chant Developer Workbench. You may purchase a license for Chant KinesicsKit on-line at the Chant store or through your preferred software reseller.

KinesicsKit System Requirements

Development Environment

  • Intel processor or equivalent,
  • Microsoft Windows 10, 11
  • 120 MB of hard drive space,
  • CD-ROM drive,
  • VGA or higher-resolution monitor,
  • Microsoft Kinect for Xbox One sensor,
  • Microsoft Kinect Adapter for Windows,
  • Microsoft Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0, and
  • C++, C++Builder, Delphi, Java (JDK 1.8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19), or .NET Framework (4.5+, 3.1, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0) Windows development environment.